Tuesday, June 3, 2008

faraway (mellie & the 13th confession)

another happy deathday daddy/ r/i/p 5/29

"..it's a hard way to find out
that trouble is real
in a faraway city
with a faraway feel" -Gram Parsons

3 songs move me in the same way.

i) When Aimee Mann takes me (personally) through the fist-shaking

It's not gonna stop until you "Wise Up" (from the Magnolia soundtrack)

I take baby steps back. And just as she leaves she drives that fist

to my gut w/ the bleak faithless punchline

"So just..give up".

ii) Stipes' REM saves me some

w/ a precious prayer that calls to all fallen

to the lonely lost battered depths (spikes & mallets quieted w/
"Everybody Hurts")

iii)Kate Bush & Peter Gabriel save us some
with the tender, and Mercy filled "Don't Give Up"

These all move me the same way.

35 years ago I wrote in a notebook

"What kind of scope when one ain't One?
How can one cope when it ain't no fun?
How much hope for a suicide's son?"

"There's a train leaving nightly
called 'when all is said and done'.. " -Warren Zevon

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