Tuesday, April 1, 2008

1st words,1st day on the job. I thought I might start w/something stark.
birth blood fresh, the mystic still hasn't lifted yet.all ways, I've only been gifted writing sporatically (when I say "gifts" I mean gifts. prose he knows he can only follow not lead." Command" of the language? I can only "suggest" the self theraputic word puzzles. thank you,jay suss)
when a blogtitle was requested here.. I looked around
saw a quote in the back of Sun Magazine nearby
"If you're really listening, if you're awake to the poignant beauty of the world,
you're heart breaks regularly" -Andrew Harvey

since I've always remedied the conscious agonies of knowing the world is filled with misery with a simple
but there is beauty in the world.
a child smiles in one of those shopping cart seats in a grocery store, one of those secret connection smiles,simple innocent soul to burdoned soul and I'm AOK for a moment.
and since I haven't written unsporatically...
see if I can come tomorrow

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