Thursday, September 11, 2008

deception pass (or Placid Flaccid Election)

It could be considered a crucial time, here, a coupla months before another American presidential election. Was there a time when these weeks before the vote, conscientious pre-voters exchanged their views,
compared & debated..when we talked about it all and we were the better for it?
I've heard some stories lately (and have one of my own) that concern these weeks bringing out (from loved ones;friends,family, & lovers) the medley of peculiar differences, what we don't share; the untilnow quiet unearthed private prejudices, the secret inner pulses of a P.O.V.
From one, proudly, a surely sound heartfelt thoughtout nugget of belief.
To another who thinks it only ignorant.
Arguments Abound! Dis coarse. Emphatic rhetoric riding on raised voices. Feeling hurt. Angers. disappointments.towards kinda new loved ones;friends,family, & lovers. New things revealed. The lines are drawn.
Peace loving people like me may shy away some from sharing necessary political truths. New rules may now apply.
no politics, very late in the day.

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