Saturday, April 18, 2009

an Easter episode

I say I'm a spiritual man; relatively reverent, periodically pious probably.
It was a Good Friday & I'm moved to call my sister whom I've neglected calling lately. Her machine invites me to leave a message so I do. And I go on long enough to realize two things;
1)that her machine is set on "All Ears" and refuses to click me offline until I stop
2)I notice that I'm saying a whole lotta not much and that my spiel needed punching up.
W/ a joke, of course. All that came to mind was a strong joke, one I heard fresh last night from Rodney.
I say something like "On a cruise ship (of fools), there, on deck stands a rabbi,a Baptist preacher, & a priest. Their unorthodox Agreeable Calm collapses suddenly when a truly serious matter arises; An Emergency! There's a fire! and all hell breaks loose; tables & chairs are spilling over, screams are filling the air. Chaos! Bedlam! Pandemonium!
The "ever-wise" Rabbi strongly bellows, "For all that is good..Save The Children!"
With his usual focused fervor, the baptist preacher adds "Fuck the children,I'm lawng gawn"
And the priest, "Do you think there's time?"

I take a beat. Maybe because it is Christianity's most solemn time of the year, and I maybe mumble something like..sorry for the vulgar, here in...& trail off

The next time I talk to my sister, she tells me that upon returning from shopping she says to Mom (a saint) "Oh look, a message from Gary" and hits the button.

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