Wednesday, August 27, 2008

encountering soft affinities,possibly electrical

in a short time this morning I encountered these two very different works by two very different artists and yet, they're brother & sister as they chime about something that goes on here, I can't help but know,I don't think.

"Inside the museum,infinity goes up on trial
Voices echo This is what salvation must be like after a while"
from 'Visions Of Johanna' Bob Dylan

I enjoy an accumulating
faith in weak forces--
a weak faith, or course,
easily shaken, but also
easily regained--in what
starts to drift: all the
slow untrainings of the mind,
the sift left of resolve
sustained too long, the
strange eternal shift
by which there's no knowing
if this is the road taken
or untaken. There are soft
affinities, possibly electrical;
lint like congeries; moonlit
hints; asymmetrical pink
glowy spots that are not
the defeat of something,
I don't think.

Kay Ryan, Poet Laureate

Saturday, August 16, 2008

I plead

maybe,one reason all I could come up with tonight is presentable but unsatisfying,convoluted and mildly polluted w/philosobabble (kinda like the latest woody allen movie)
one reason is that the season's 1st hurricane is on the way (I just went out and purchased about 200 pounds of cat litter((for homemade sand bags,silly)) and maybe a thousand ozs of drinking water. water in/water out. I plead "distracted".

P A T H/ R O A D

through heavy brush,
misty morning mountain paths
may seem a blind pass.
though, I trust,
moonlit shortsteps are taken,surely.
looking down, seeing clearly.

as for the rough road,
I could never sleep well on the shoulder
I could only seek deeper woods for shelter
where embers will rise & dreams will fall.
looking up,darkening to all.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

midnight chord

"life is like a stage, I guess

love is stages of undress"


side effects may include

-absently staring into space (not time)

-walking into walls

-walking through walls

-delusions (the good kind)

-A cute optimism

-serious loss of scepticism, doubt, & Down.

-control issues

-Fact, being better than it seems

-a packed pocketful of dreams

-spells of snow angels

-pretty picturewindows in a bomb shelter

-There's a bird on a word

-There's a drunk in a midnight chord

-we all scream.. for vanishing cream

-Alas, Atlas, tonight at least...
-don't operate heavy machinery

-Blue Skies

catalists: Rickie Lee Jones,saveme sunni,poetess Gillian Kidd Osborne

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

some wounds

a)there was a fix in to go down in the
sixth round
b)industrial accident
c)back "safe" again in his cell
d) both b) and c)

you decide

"I rub my wounds w/ alcohol" -Alejandro Escovedo
from the magnificient "Put You Down"